binary 바이너리 파일 cvs import 하기

cvnNT에서 import 시 모든 file은 ascii 로 간주된다.

binary 파일을 import 하려면 ~/CVSROOT/cvswrappers 를 편집해야 함

샘플은 아래와 같음



# This file affects handling of files based on their names.
# The -t/-f options allow one to treat directories of files
# as a single file, or to transform a file in other ways on
# its way in and out of CVS.
# The -m option specifies whether CVS attempts to merge files.
# The -k option specifies keyword expansion (e.g. -kb for binary).
# Format of wrapper file ($CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or .cvswrappers)
#  wildcard    [option value][option value]…
#  where option is one of
#  -f        from cvs filter        value: path to filter
#  -t        to cvs filter        value: path to filter
#  -m        update methodology    value: MERGE or COPY
#  -k        expansion mode        value: b, o, kkv, &c
#  and value is a single-quote delimited value.
# For example:
.AI -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.ai -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.AIFC -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.aifc -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.AIFF -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.aiff -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.au -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.AU -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.avi -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.AVI -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.bin -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.BMP -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.bmp -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.bz -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.bz2 -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.cab -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.class -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.CLASS -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.des -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.DLL -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.dll -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.doc -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.DOC -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.dra -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.DWG -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.dwg -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.DXF -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.dxf -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.ear -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.EAR -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.EPS -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.eps -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.EXE -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.exe -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.FIG -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.fig -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.FM -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.fm -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.gif -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.GIF -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.gz -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.GZ -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.HQX -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.hqx -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.ico -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.ICO -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.ief -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.JAR -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.jar -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.jpe -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.JPE -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.jpeg -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.JPEG -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.jpg -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.JPG -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mat -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MAT -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mexsg64 -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MEXSG64 -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MEXSOL -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mexsol -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mid -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MID -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.midi -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MIDI -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MOV -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mov -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mp3 -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mpe -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MPE -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mpeg -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MPEG -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.MPG -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.mpg -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.OBJ -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.obj -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.P -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.p -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.pcx -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.PCX -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.PDF -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.pdf -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.PNG -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.png -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.psd -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.PSD -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.ppt -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.PPT -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.PS -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.ps -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.QT -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.qt -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.RAM -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.ram -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.rpm -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.RPM -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.rtb -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.RTB -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.RTF -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.rtf -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.SIT -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.sit -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.srpm -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.swf -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.TAR -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.tar -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.tbz -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.tex -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.TEX -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.TGZ -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.tgz -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.tif -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.TIF -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.TIFF -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.tiff -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.TZ -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.tz -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.voc -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.VOC -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.WAR -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.war -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.WAV -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.wav -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.wmf -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.WMF -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.wpd -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.WPD -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.WPG -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.wpg -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.XBM -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.xbm -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.xls -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.XLS -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.xwd -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.XWD -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.z -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.Z -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
.zip -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’
*.ZIP -k ‘b’ -m ‘COPY’


자세한건 참조

이걸 몰라서 생고생함. -.-….. cvswrappers