Vivaldi's Song 가사

Vivaldi's Song lyrics

Lady, when you love me I feel
Home-sweet-home inside of your Sublime
This Garden's sure to grow you know
Our love is just like Summertime
Parrots eye the fruit and we make love
Between the harpsichords and lutes?
Our greenlimbs intertwine, you know
Our love is just like Summertime

Our souls collide
We slip and slide
We feel no pain
And with our lives locked together
We weather the Wind and Rain
We grow the Farm
We're safe from Harm
Inside this Circle of Summertime
Both of us know is our Love

Lovers from the Past with poison smiles
All pray our love will never last
But we are Trees not Vines, you know
Our love is just like Summertime
As the song begins these shipwrecks fade
Behind a wave of violins;
Vivaldi made us rhyme, you know
Our love is just like Summertime.

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